Are you ready to reap the benefits of the fourth industrial revolution?

Innovating your company is not a viable option, it is a necessity
We identify innovation needs, develop the most effective solutions and implement them by directing processes, products and development models. We operate from the pre-incubation, incubation and acceleration of startups and enterprises to the smart transformation of large companies.


Digital Marketing

Digital Strategy

Design Strategy

Take your company towards Industry 4.0 Today! This need is so evident that a specific facilitation measure was provided for making use of these specialists in the 2019 Budget Law,
Digital-Hub, thanks to a refined consultancy program, which includes scheduled meetings to define and implement the planned strategies, is able to guide companies towards this revolution.
Digital Marketing is the set of marketing activities that use web channels to develop one's commercial network, analyze market trends, predict trends and create offers based on the customer's profile. Digital-Hub, thanks to its high level of experience in the latest Online Marketing techniques and by applying the know-how of the best professionals, is able to develop a personalized marketing plan, aimed at achieving targeted objectives.
We build digital business strategies and digital business strategies, customizing them for each client. Digital-Hub deals with creating a concrete and sustainable business advantage, through a personalized path based on customer needs, and also optimizes or reviews the digital strategy and online marketing plan to ensure the achievement of medium and long-term business objectives .
When we talk about a strategy, we refer to a plan to achieve an objective and can be useful in differentiating customers from their competition. Design Strategy is the intersection between design and corporate strategy and aims to unite corporate objectives with creative solutions that transcend aesthetics. Digital-Hub boasts an excellent team of design and communication experts, ready to study the best applicable strategy.
Industry 4.0 is a movement that affects the entire industrial chain, allowing large quantities of information and operations to be automatically organized and managed. These are technologies that are already transforming the way we design, manufacture and distribute any product. Industry 4.0 redefines the ways in which things are done, that is, the way companies work.
Digital Marketing refers to all those activities of promoting a brand and marketing products and services through one or more digital channels. Digital Marketing will allow you to reach a targeted target and you will be able to interact with this, at the moment of its maximum reception, regardless of the geographical area in which you are located. You will be able to track and monitor the actions of your users in real time so as to improve and optimize your marketing strategies day by day, starting from the foundations and setting up a good digital marketing strategy.
Digital Strategy is an action plan that defines how a company can exploit the opportunities offered by digital technologies to achieve its business objectives. All initiatives relating to the Digital world must be the result of careful analysis by a Digital Strategist capable of defining SMART business objectives and being able to draw up a complete plan with all the most effective actions to be carried out. Digital Strategy concerns the entire complex of tactics, technical actions and tools used to achieve the company's business objectives.
The market, as well as times, costs and feasibility, is made up of professional culture and ideas, it is important to understand which values ​​and which sectors to focus on and how they will evolve in the future.
In strategic design, an integrated system is designed; made up of the set of products, services and communications that the company needs to position itself on the market with a personal strategy that highlights its added values.

Via Giuntini 25,
56023 Navacchio, Cascina (Pi)
c/o Polo Tecnologico Navacchio
tel. +39 050 7917346